Discover top 10 best android anti theft apps to protect your phone from steal. Download any of these android anti theft protection apps to maximize the security of your android phone from steal. Android anti theft app is one of the essential apps that all users should download for their own need. We may call it as a crying need for android phone.
Secure your privacy with never known secret technique of hiding any files on any android phone. Forget worst hiding apps to protect your privacy and follow one step guide to hide any files, most surprisingly without any apps! Hiding files on android phone never been so easy! You've to download and install extra android hiding files apps to do this. In this article, i'll show how to hide any files on android phone without installing any apps, but just with adding a single symbol! Let's make an agreement that you'll share this post, if you like it and feel this interesting. If so, you may connect with our Facebook page for more interesting post instantly. Easiest steps to hide files without any apps: At starting point, go to your android phone File Manager and select the files to hide. In second step, you need to Rename your file. How to rename your android phone files? The answer is "Just long press on your desired file to rename until a me...